AND AD-4406

AND Brand

FEATURES : AND AD-4406 INDICATORS High cost-effectiveness Big LCD 25mm in height Multi power supply Alkaline C type battery : Battery life 180 hours (LC 350ohms x 1) battery life 70 hours (LC 350ohms x 4) Optional AC adapter F1, F2 selectable function keys Load cell 350 ohms x 4 Optional stand available.

AND AD-4328

AND Brand

FEATURES : AND AD-4328 INDICATORS 1/10,000 display resolution Full Digital Calibration (FDC) Large (14.2mm high), bright red LED display digits Desktop or panel mount display placement (Optional column or wall mounting) Selectable units of measure : International version : kg or t, U.S. version: lb or kg A/D conversion rate of approx.

AND AD-4401

AND Brand

FEATURES : AND AD-4401 INDICATORS 100 times/sec. High speed sampling High display resolution to 16,000 counts Up to 1 million counts of A/D resolution Monitor & control weighing and batching with external or internal resolution Fuzzy and Automatic Free Fall Compensation (AFFC) for consistently accurate batching results.

AND AD-4329A

AND Brand

AND AD-4329A is expanding business through price performance and application diversity. It is the best choice for a variety of applications: platform scale, packer scale, hopper scale, truck scale, and check weighing. FEATURES : AND AD-4329A INDICATORS Vacuum fluorescent display Accumulative data is stored into memory automatically or manually.